Many people seeking out acupuncture treatments may find it extremely confusing when trying to decide on a practitioner. There are many health care practitioners who offer 'acupuncture treatments' or 'needling' and in B.C., this list includes; medical doctors, naturopaths, physiotherapists, etc. The problem that often arises, is most of the training programs offered to other practitioners are often condensed in theory and practice where occasionally only a few acupuncture points are learned and knowledge of TCM diagnosis and treatment protocols are limited. Some treatments may utilize needling practices such as; intra-muscular stimulation (IMS or iSTOP) or 'dry needling' which are loosely based on acupuncture and TCM principles but in practice-- very different. These techniques may target hyper-sensitive areas in the muscle or 'trigger points' for chronic pain. While eliciting a 'twitch' response in the muscle-- may help to release soft tissue, it can be extremely painful and does not necessarily get to the root of the problem preventing the chance of recurrence.
Only Registered Acupuncturists can claim the title of "acupuncturist" and bill accordingly. Many health care benefit plans offer coverage and it is also included in Medical Services Plan of BC (MSP) subsidized health plans.
Acupuncture is regulated by the BC government which has established the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners of British Columbia (CTCMA). The CTCMA is a self regulatory body that operates under the Health Professions Act and the TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Regulation and Bylaws to protect the general public. A valid license is required in order to practise Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture in BC, and this is only obtained through a (minimum of 3 years) training program, and extensive provincial written and practical exams.
*MD/Physiotherapist -- iSTOP (IMS)-- 50 hours
*MD/Physiotherapist, etc. --Acupuncture Foundation Level I -- 90 hours
*MD/Physiotherapist, etc. --Acupuncture Foundation Level II -- 195 hours
*MD/Physiotherapist, etc. -- Medical Acupuncture, UofA -- 200 hours
*Naturopathic physicians -- College of Naturopathic Physicians of BC -- 250 hours
*Registered Acupuncturist-- CTCMA (Ministry of Health) -- 2200 hours
Acupuncture is a very safe treatment option when administered by a Registered Acupuncturist (RAc.), Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (RTCMp.) or by a Doctor of Tradtional Chinese Medicine (Dr. TCM). You can be assured that they have received the most comprehensive acupuncture training of any medical profession, and will provide you with the best benefits acupuncture has to offer.